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Welcome to a personal style blog of Keri - King Chutima

::: Fashion : Lifestyle : Travel : Music : People : Art : Beauty :::

- - - ::: FASHION ::: & ::: FLIGHT ::: - - -

Why Fashion & Flight?
Hi everyone! I'm Keri from "www.KeriiKing.com". ^^ I personally love traveling and passion for fashion, beauty, arts, photography, lifestyle, people, nature, travel, and music. All of these stuffs have inspired the creation of my lifestyle diary...  I'd love everyone to be a part of my journey. Share experiences, share love, share ideas, and inspire each other.  To me, fashion is a compilation of all that. I think fashion is a vehicle to be driven every happiness and disclose an individual's personal style...

When I was in Thailand, I had been working in an entertainment industry, singing, acting/performing in some plays, tv shows, as well as sitcoms. I enjoyed very much when seeing all my pretty model/actor/actress friends dress up and play with their stunning outfits and accessories. (just like seeing a fashion show) ^^" Apart from that, I graduated from Assumption University which is a number one international university in Thailand. Majority of the AU students are so fashionable and it is fully compatible... When I saw the pretty hot stuffs, I could (not) stop staring and finding it in the possession. ^^ I can't help it, I was dominated by passion!

with P'Bie The Star in "nud-kub-nud" sitcom
As a mean girl! Fight with "Pancake", Thai Supermodel in "Pleng-rak-kham-phob" channel 7

By this time, I have moved to the states to continue my master degree. After a few months moving here, fate or something has given me an opportunity to work in an oil & gas industry. (yea, it's tough! petrol languages made me feel so numb in the beginning and took me a while to tune it lol) plus the GMAT exam to the master by sluggish. Until now, I still haven't enroll to the school yet. Hehe

But life is a journey! Keep walking and running to reach your goal. Nothing can STOP you! Cheers!!!! :-)

Thank you very much for reading!